
Friday, June 26, 2009

An interlude from something sweet - but cleansing

Yesterday a friend of mine and fellow Twitterer hinted that she would be interviewing Oleh Skrypka today... According to her report on Deutsche Welle it seems the initiator of the Kraina Mriy festival, now in its sixth year, will not himself be at the festival. In fact he will be at a festival taking place in Tartistan.

One thing I noticed at the festival last year, was that the people who were there were not only orderly but they picked up after themselves. But this was not only my observation but that of many friends, and it turns out that Oleh Skrypka himself along with many of the performers made not of this as well.

A few days ago I met with an old friend over coffee, as we went our separate ways Mykaylo said to me... "Everyone likes to complain, but no one seems to want to change anything. However, those who understand who they are, take care of things including themselves, their homes and the neighborhoods they live in," he said. Well Oleh Skrypka seems to echo this sentiment and told Deutsche Welle:

...головна проблема на Землі загалом - екологічна, починаючи з внутрішньої екології і закінчуючи екологією довкілля: "Ми ініцювали рух "Країна Мрій — чиста країна". Так, каже Скрипка, в рамках громадської ініціативи і не за гроші та не через вказівку – збирались люди й прибирали Труханів острів та Замкову гору в Києві.

So it seems that there are people out their that do care about what is on right in their own backyards.

While this year's festival has been cut from three days to one, it is certain that those who make a day of it and head out for the 12:00 start time, will be individuals who will leave the place as spotless as it was when they arrived.

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