
Thursday, September 29, 2011

In the gardens of the exiled

When one lives in a garden of one’s own creation, be it through absolute necessity, as it was for parents of many active members of the Ukrainian Diaspora, or because you live in that garden by default for generations and have tried to maintain that garden of culture, ethnicity and language, one can not deny that there is something different on the other side of that garden wall. The Great Rusty Wall, as some refer to it as, went up on August 13, 1961 but by November 9, 1989 its molecular bonds which held it together had changed and it completely crumbled by the end of 1990. The Great Rusty Wall was a symbol of the Garden War; it separated two different gardens in which plants grew under very different conditions.

The plants in the garden, tended to by the Good Gardeners of GGs of exile flourished, while those on the other side of the wall were poisoned by a gamut of different afflictions which were not natural but created by an whole string of Bad Gardeners or BGs under the guise of being Russian, but we know that evil knows know ethnic boundaries.

The first of the BG’s was geneticist Leninsky, who twisted the gene pool of the garden introducing a new hybrid Family called Plantus Soveticus, the roots of this plant were kept short, its growth was hampered by a variety of means over time. The political progeny of Leninsky was Stalinsky, who was not a geneticist, but rather a horticulturalist with no training, but nevertheless he decided to impose his methods in various parts of the garden during the 1930s. During this period from five to seven million Plantus Soveticus genus Ukrainiana, perished, of the genus Khazakiana nearly two million, and of the genus Russiana, we are not quite sure, but it could have been close to two million. Stalinsky expanded the massive compost piles which had been created very distant from any others on that side of the garden wall. They were used as a place to relocate the undesirable genus’ which existed amongst Plantus Soveiticus and from 1934 to 1954 as many as 1,053,829 plants withered on those compost heaps.

The garden tended by the GGs in exile flourished as best it could, they had been cut off from the land of Chornozemia, but during particular attempts and defoliation during of the intelligent plant life of the genus Ukrainiana by the BGs for the thirty year period before the wall came down the GGs stood their ground, calling foul to their local garden councils of the planet.

When the Great Rusty Wall finally disintegrated the GGs were not at all prepared, to them the unexpected had happened. The plants they had tended to were of a different breed than those tended to by the BGs. The plants that had grown up in the garden in exile were nurtured to love the lands that they come from, but to a great degree they were and still are naïve. The few plants that did love Chornozemia had become marginalized and the children of the BG’s took over the garden, but without any of the vestiges of the culture, ethnos and language which was theirs. They imported all kinds of things from the West, and often that which had little semblance of culture to the intelligent plant life on the planet.

The progeny of those who tend what was once the gardens of exile fail to realize many of the realities of Chornozemia. They create issues where none really exist. They fail to realize that the defoliation of there brethren through all the means used by the children of the BGs, be they corrupt nitrogen distribution schemes, over irrigation schemes, the hosting of a garden parties for the benefit of a few, and their notion of the enemy being genus Russiana, only become self-evident to those who grew up in the gardens of exile and were repotted for some time in Chornozemia. The tenders of the gardens beyond Chornozemia’s lives are as distant to the realities of that land, with the exception of their genus, as they are with those who live in the lands of the sands or snows.

Chornozemia will always play an important geopolitical role simply due to where it located, how the plants there manage is not up to those from the gardens of exile, nor are they in a position to understand what is going on there. Those from the gardens of exile have become genetically modified plants which can neither absorb nor adapt to the realities of Chornozemia, but the seeds of change must be sought out in all the gardens in which the genus Ukrainiana exists. Those seeds must be able to understand all the intricacies of Chornozemia’s place in contemporary and rapidly changing planet. If they continue to function like those which have been genetically modified, then Chornozemia’s future is bleak, but I believe that those seeds can be found!

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